Tuesday, May 15, 2012

New Media Art - Blog

For our first New Media Art assignment of the semester we were required to create our own flash art work based around a doomsday theme. My decision as discussed in the previous blog was limited to a rather basic flash design due to the lack of time I had to make the artwork. This lack of time was no fault of out tutors but rather due to the large amount of time I personally spent learning how to use Adobe Flash, having never really used the software before.

Consequently my finished artwork product was too basic to allow for a good mark and only benefited me with a passing grade, which was not entirely unexpected. My thoughts and attitude toward this assignment were subjective and not entirely positive as I often questioned the usefulness of learning Flash during a period where its extinction is entirely plausible due in no small part to the popularity surge in HTML5 and Apple's dismissal towards using Flash in its products.
However despite these dark thoughts I pressed on with the project and turned in an artwork which while basic worked successfully, which I was told was more than could be said of some class member’s projects. 

Once I had finally figured out the basics of operating Adobe Flash it turned out that using the software was not that difficult after all and that all it really required was a different thought process to the one I had been utilizing. This new thought process was structured around a better understanding how layers work and the many different layers one can use when operating Flash. My struggle with understanding layers was rather odd considering I had previous experience working with them in Adobe Photoshop. Anyone who can explain why that is the case to me is more than welcome to do so.

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