Tuesday, May 15, 2012

New Media Art - Blog

Talk about collecting content such as collecting files, code, images, and sound to use in later work.

The importance of collecting files to use in later work is essential for everyone in this digital age especially journalists, web designers and the like. For video, print, online and photo journalists these days it is doubly important especially since most potential employers want to see a portfolio of work and if you can give them a website with all these different examples of work then that will impress them more.For myself personally I soon found how vital it is to keep all the photo's video's and articles I have done over the course of my university studies as I have used many of them to display in the portfolio websites I have created over the past two years.

The importance of collecting code as a journalist has been perhaps less important until recently, however with the surge in online news publishing if a journalist has the skills to create online news stories and design websites then potential employers are more likely to consider employing them. Having a collection of sound files is also less important perhaps as many sound effects can be found on websites such as www.soundbible.com and journalists do not often have a need for them except occasionally with video journalism making a news story which requires sound effects. As mentioned earlier images are important for photojournalists to keep for portfolio purposes and videos are important for video journalists who require a solid news reel when looking for work as a TV reporter.

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