Tuesday, May 15, 2012

New Media Art - Blog


For my final portfolio I intend to completely redesign my website using a Wordpress theme which I will modify extensively. I will erase my old website and start fresh with a new more professional look which will include my latest published articles, photographs and videos. The theme I want will be minimalist in nature with lots of space on the home page to display my best photographs, it will also have a widget area for me to add a twitter feed and link to my sports photography Facebook page. My new website will have 5 pages called: 'Reuben Franklin', 'Blog', 'About Me', 'Contact Me' and 'Links'. The 'Reuben Franklin' Page will have a drop down menu with three different sub menus called 'Published Articles', 'My Videos' and 'My Photos'. The 'About Me' page will have a spiel about my skills and experience as a journalist and photographer; the 'Blog' page will link to a separate Blogger website; the 'Contact Me' page will have a plugin which will automatically email me peoples messages comments; and the 'links' page will contain links to my favorite websites. I will also install a plugin called Sociable so people can share my articles with their friends and a visitors counter plugin to see how many people view my website. I also intend to activate the Akismet plugin with my API key to avoid getting comment spam. 

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