Tuesday, May 15, 2012

New Media Art - Blog

Talk about your Video Artworks:

My video artworks are a compilation of dirt bike videos I have made by using a number of years of video footage I have collected during all the different occasions me and my mates have gone riding together. With all four videos I have simply added some transitions, such as cross dissolves, fade ins and fade outs to name a few and then simply added music and some catchy pretend sponsor logos to create some pretty cool videos.

The first video I made called Manar Park Supercross contains video footage of my mate Reece and I tearing up the Manar Park Supercross track. For this particular video footage I was fortunate enough to be able to use a mates HD 1080 GoPro camera which attaches to the top of your helmet. I managed to get a number of my mates crashes on camera which made for some cool action shots, including a shot of myself being roosted by Reece.

For my second video called QMP (Queensland Motorcycle Park) my brother and I went to the official opening day of QMP a few months back and we took a fair bit of footage on the day which I compiled into a short video clip. In the video it contains footage of Trials rider extraordinaire Jack Field doing a backflip on a motorbike from the worlds smallest ramp. It also has footage of my brother Ryan riding and Crusty Demons rider Matt Schubring and the Showtime FMX crew like Steve Mini do tricks in the new freestyle park. For this video I used my DSLR which is HD and my parents video camera which is not, so the video width changes in size and quality throughout the video which was annoying but there is nothing I could do about it.

For my third video I decided to go with a mix of all my best dirt bike riding footage taken of my brother and mates, Ben, Brodie, Nathan, Elijah, Dotto, and Aaron. This is my favorite video as it contains all the crashes my mates have had that I caught on tape. The footage is mostly taken on my parents property however there is also a small amount of footage taken on my mates property and on the road. For this video I used my parents video camera which is not HD so the lack of quality shows it this one slightly.

For my fourth video called Dirt Bike Dogs it contains video footage of my brother and mates Brodie and Ben riding their dirt bikes around the MX track at Black Duck Motorcycle Park. The footage has also been sped up slightly to make them look like they are riding faster. I used some commentary for this video and while its only trash talk it made the video more interesting than what it would be otherwise. I also used my parents video camera for this video as well so the video quality is only average.

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