Sunday, May 15, 2011

Digital Writing - Blog 4

For the fourth blog I had to write out/ruminate on ideas for the Visual Storytelling Project assignment.  So after some deliberation I decided to go with a visual story based on a fictional day in the life of myself. I decided to use a comedic theme in my visual story by creating a very muscular body for myself. I did this by downloading a cartoon muscle man from google pictures and cutting out his body except for his head in photoshop. I then used a photo of my own face that I had cut out of an old photo and then placed it on the muscle body. This new body formed the foundation of my visual story.

For my first html I went with a collage of all the different images I would be using throughout my visual story. This turned out to be quite effective and with the combination of a heading titled 'A day in the life of Reuben' it turned out to look pretty cool.

For my second html I took a photo of a weetbix box and then made copies of it and pasted all around my cut out of muscular Reuben. I also cut out a picture of a bowl of cereal and a table and pasted them into my image. By arranging the images a certain way I made it look like muscular Reuben was eating a great big bowl of cereal while being sourrounded by Weetbix boxes.

For my third html I went with the title 'At the Gym'. I took a photo of the local gym that I go to and then using photoshop pasted my fake muscle body onto the photo. I also pasted a cut out barbell image next to my feet making the overall image more realistic.

For the fourth html fictional muscular Reuben was 'Surfing at Narrow Neck'. I used a photo I took of a surfer at Narrow Neck and cut him out of the picture without removing the surf board. I then pasted muscular Reuben onto the surfboard to make it seem like he was surfing.

For my fifth html I put muscular Reuben on a dirtbike. I used a picture I had taken of my brother riding his dirt bike on the MX track at Rover Park and pasted in muscular Reuben. I then cut out a copy of my brother dirt bike and pasted it into the photo. After arranging the images correctly and with a little photoshop work I made it look as though muscular Reuben was riding a dirtbike.

For my sixth html I put muscular Reuben in a photo where he was drinking with his mates. I did this by taking a photo of a local bar and then cutting out an image of my mates and pasting them into the photo of the bar. I also cut out an image of a Corona beer and edited the images so that it looked like muscular Reuben was drinking a giant beer in a bar with his mates.

For my seventh and final html page I took a photo of my bed and pasted muscluar Reuben into the picture so it looked like he was sleeping on the bed. I then found a picture of a hot babe sleeping and cut her out and pasted her into the photo to make it look like she was sleeping on the bed beside muscular Reuben. I called this html 'sleeping with my girlfriend'.

Overall I was happy with the way my visual story turned out and the mark i got reflected the results as I achieved a Distinction for it. I thought that it looked pretty cool and almost realistic the way I had placed my head on a muscular body and then placed it in the image so that it seemed like I was actually doing those particular activities.

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