Monday, October 18, 2010

Week 10 - Evaluation of New Communication Technologies Course

Overall my opinion of the New Comm Tech Course is a non-plussed one. I enjoyed doing the culture Jam. Making fun of Tony Abott and posting it on You-tube was a blast. I also enjoyed making the short slide show from a topic given to us in class. However I found writing a blog every week for each lecture to be a very tedious and boring task, although it did help me to better remember what the lecture was about. I also found most of the Tute-spark tasks to be dull and tedious, with the exception of one or two of the tasks which taught me a lot about certain things I had not heard of before.
Also some of the lectures seemed to be rather unorganized and lacking in much relevant content, especially in week 11 when we showed up only to be sent home ten minutes later because we were told that the lecturer did not have anything to teach us. I also found one of the lecturers in particular to be very opinionated about certain things he was teaching us. He had a very alternative opinion on certain software and companies which I had the feeling he was trying to get us to believe.
 Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy the lectures given by Josh and Jules. But some of the guest lecturers were extremely boring to listen to and tended to spend their time talking about conspiracy theories and speculation rather than actual facts that I could take with me and actually use the work force. In my opinion I think the course could be improved by giving us a more hands on approach in the tutorials.

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