Friday, August 6, 2010

Week 1 Tute Task - My First Ever Blog!

Okay so this is my first ever blog and to be honest its not something that I was excited about doing hence the reason why I put it off for two weeks before finally overcoming my indignation at having to share my thoughts and feelings with a bloody computer. 

I guess I should stop rambling and introduce myself, My name is Reuben, I'm a 22 year old male studying a Bachelor of Journalism at Griffith University on the Gold Coast, which consequently is one of the reasons why I've been forced (ha ha) to start up my own blog as per the request of my new communications and technologies tutor.

About me: I love sport, its my passion, and my dream is to hopefully one day write for a sports magazine. I am also a strong believer in 'being the best you can be' which is a motto I also try to apply to my personal life. I think sport brings out the best (and sometimes the worst) in people, which is why its such an addictive activity to participate in as well as watch, photograph, and write about.

My two favorite sports of all time are dirt bike riding and surfing, however I love all types of sport and usually the only thing that stops me participating in them all is time and money and sometimes both. I also love working out at the gym, hanging with mates and family, partying/clubbing, and would also love to travel the world some day. 

Hopefully by successfully finishing my Journalism Degree it will help me to land a great job as a sports journalist and achieve some of my life goals. Bring on Semester two 2010!

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