Monday, October 29, 2012

3105HUM - News and Current Affairs Production - Week 12

For the final week of Griffith Uni News my job was to operate the main camera for the show. Below is the video for Show 5 which shows you how awesome my camera operating skills really are:

Here is the video of Griffith Uni News Show 5:

3105HUM - News and Current Affairs Production - Week 11

For Griffith Uni News show 4 my job was Assistant Floor Manager which required me to wear a headset and help the main Floor manager Lisa to communicate between the production crew and the panel members during the show.

Below is the video of Show 4 of Griffith Uni News:

3105HUM - News and Current Affairs Production - Week 10

For Griffith Uni News Show 3 my job was to Anchor the show which was challenging at times, especially when trying to organize everyone during the pre-production process which included writing the script and giving the panel their discussion topics. However despite the difficulties the show ran well except for when Sherie forgot to scroll the teleprompter down so I could read it after an ad break.
Reuben Anchors Griffith Uni News Show 3

3105HUM - News and Current Affairs Production - Week 9

For week 9 of Griffith Uni News my job was sports news presenter for the show which meant I had to come in to the studio early to  do a pre-recorded sports news segment. This was a role I found fun and suited me down to the ground due to being an avid fan of most sports. Below I have attached a picture and two videos - one of just my sports news read and the other of the entire news show.
Reuben presents the latest sporting headlines

3105HUM - News and Current Affairs Production - Week 8

For the first show of the year for Griffith Uni News my role was Panel member and I was given a number of discussion topics by the Anchor Sherie which I had to discuss with the other panel members during the show. Below is an image and a video from the first show:
Reuben and Kat discussing the latest issues